Note: The Random Dungeon generator was kindly provided by ProFantasy Software’s lead programmer Peter Olsson as freeware, and we have integrated it in DD Pro. We’ve also included some catalogs (MC0-1 and Morgan) provided by master mapper Morgan Olden and added some extras. If you don’t have DD Pro, you can download a version from the ProFantasy Software’s map laboratory.
Random Dungeon lets you create randomly generated dungeon and cave sections. Their appearance is controlled by Random Dungeon Options. To create a random dungeon1 Start a new map based on a Dungeon Designer Pro template. 2 Click Dungeon >> Random Dungeon Options.
1 Start a new map based on a Dungeon Designer Pro geomorph template.
2 Click Dungeon >> Dungeon Options.
3 Choose a suitable catalog, fill, straight and angled corridor percentages.
4 Click Create Now.
Click two points forming a rectangle and watch the area fill with random dungeon or cave. Press SPACE to rerandomize. Right click when you are happy with the appearance of your dungeon.
Now that you have chose a style, you can keep creating dungeon sections in the same style using Dungeon >> Random Dungeon
Dungeon Options are best tested by trial and error. It’s easy to generate lots of random sections until you are happy.
The random generator can also be used to create woodland, water or anything which suits the random algorthm.
Text Equivalent (to see options, then create): DUNGEONOPT
Text Equivalent (to create in current style): DUNGEON