Random Dungeon uses specially created tile sets stored in symbol catalogs in CC3’s Symbols\Dungeons\Random folder
Open Morgan.fsc from the Symbols\Dungeon\Random folder.
Save it as a new file in the same folder.
With the Symbol Manager, edit each symbol in turn, keeping the basic outline the same, but changing the appearance
The dungeon is built by combining 6 symbols that are restricted to 5' tiles. The symbol names in the selected catalog have to end with one of the following text strings:
CORR – an east-west corridor section, origin, mid left.
CEND – an eastern dead-end – that is, surrounded by walls except on the west.
REDGE – a tile with a single wall on the right
RC1 – a north-east corner piece
RC3 – a diagonal piece with the lower left filled, and a wall from NW SE
ROOM – a square
The name can be followed by a space then a number if there is more than one of each symbol type.
If there are more than one symbol for each type a symbol is randomly picked for each placement. Up to 16 symbols can be assigned for each type.
You can optionally add a separate symbol with shading on top of each floor tile. To do this create symbols which contain the text string:
The SHADE symbol is placed on top of all square tiles and the rest are used for the different rotations of the RC3-tile.