This topic addresses the differences between and similarities of sheets and layers.
Sheets can be thought of as a stack of mini-drawings within the current drawing.
Layers are a property of each entitiy. They could be though of as an association or type.
Each sheet can have a set of effects. Layers can't.
Sheets are the floors of an office (1ST, 2ND, 3RD)
Layers are the type of object on each floor (furniture, books, computers)
Each sheet has a marker showing where it begins and where it ends.
Entities on different layers can be scattered anywhere in the drawing.
Sheets are drawn in order, and any entity added to an earlier sheet will be drawn before any entity drawn on a later sheet.
Entities can be on any layer, independent of their position in a drawing.
On the SYMBOLS sheets, you can have entities such as Forests on the VEGETATION later, mountains on the MOUNTAINS layer and towns on the STRUCTURES layer, all jumbled up in any order.
You can hide both sheets and layers. Hiding sheets makes drawings much faster; hiding layers makes them a little faster. Only layers can be frozen.
You can select all the entities throughout a drawing on particular layers using the standard selection method, because the layer is a property of an entitiy.
You can't select by sheet excepy by hiding all the sheets you don't want to select, because sheets are not a property of entities.
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