Free Monthly Content
Note: The dungeon and floorplan symbols created by Mike Schley fit his "Dungeons of Schley" style perfectly, which is included in Symbol Set 4. The example maps that come with the free symbols use this style, and you will need SS4 to see them properly. The symbols themselves are usable on their own though.

June 2022
Our selection of free Dungeon symbols by Mike Schley starts with all you need for a small woodcutter's camp and work place.

Tools, tree stumps, logs, tents and draft horse you need to pull the logs out of the woods are all there for you to build your battle map with.

July 2022
Venturing from the woods into the nearest village, the July set of symbols contains the tools and supplies for the local smith's workshop.

Forge, anvil, tools and coals, plus ingots of metal and other supplies make up the 20 symbols of this catalog for the Dungeons of Schley style.

August 2022
A village needs a market of course, where farmers sell their produce, villagers shop for essentials, and adventurers stock up on magic items for the next dungeon.

This month brings you 28 symbols market stalls, various kinds of merchandise a large market tent, speaker's platform and a lovely pillory to publicly shame any lawbreakers.

Who's the archetypical villain that threatens the peace of that countryside village? A necromancer of course! And what does every villain need? A lair!

The September monthlies give you the dressings for a proper necromancer's or vivisectionist's lair, with corpses fresh and old, workbenches and tools, as well as those ominouzs books and a proper black robe.

If we have a dark and shadowy villain we need a good guy as well, the bright and shining patron in the High Temple. But perhaps the shiny marble facade does hide a more sinister motive?

Marble benches, bright mosaics and colorful windows, burning incense on the altar and holy books aplenty, and an awe-inspiring statue of the Lord of Gods - all of this is included in the October monthly content.

Will you dare the Dragon's Lair to reach the legendary hoard and its immense piles of gold and jewels? Can you defy the huge red dragon? Will you be able to stand against the incredible cuteness of her pup?

Large and small dragons in all the colors of the rainbow, along with eggs and huge piles of treasure. The November monthly content gives you all the symbols you need for a glorious dragon's lair.

The year ends with a place we hope you won't have to spend any significant time in: a nasty medieval prison (or dungeon) to break out of or to free some unjustly held prisoners from.

You will find oubliettes, iron bars to build cages, chains and torture implements, plus a handy set of key to unlock all these nasty features. Including varicolor variations, the symbol catalog contains 27 new symbols.

Start the new year by storming the walls of the nearest town, with this awesome selection of artillery and tools for siege warfare.

You will find 23 new symbols in this month's catalog to add siege towers, ballistas, battering rams and similar objects to your battle maps, all in Mike Schley's dungeon style.

Span the mightiest river with a majestic stone bridge, or a quicker (and cheaper) wood construction with the new symbols for Mike Schley for Symbol Set 6 - Isometric Cities.

2 extendable bridges (each in standard and varicolor version) consisting of 16 new symbols allow you to build bridges of varying length in 8 different directions.

Are the spires of your fantasy city not high enough yet? Expand skywards with two new buildings for the Isometric Cities style that tower above the others.

The Wizard's Tower and the Corn Exchange are two elaborate new city symbols (in four views each) by Mike Schley.

We're heading back to the ground and the Dungeons of Schley symbols. We're staying above the surfce for now though, with horses and stables for outdoor or building battle maps.

Securely stable your horses with new symbols by Mike Schley in April's free symbol catalog.

We are back in the city with this month's free symbols, showing steep inclines and elevation changes with the City Cliff symbol catalog.

24 new symbols by Mike Schley let you build extendable cliffs across your isometric cityscapes.

Do you need a ride to that next city you want to map? Mike Schley's got you covered with a selection of isometric carriages and wagons.

32 new symbols by Mike Schley let you populate the roads in and between your settlements with horse-drawn vehicles.

July '23
Armies and soldiers need a place to rest when they are not in their barracks and on campaign. Pitch their camp inside a field entrenchment with this month's free symbols.

28 new symbols by Mike Schley let you build military camps with a variety of different tents and tiling symbols to build spiked entrenchments around them.

August '23
Are you yearning for some entertainment? Perhaps some classic play on a grandiose stage? Or something more visceral like a gladiator fight in the arena? The latest monthly symbols have you covered.

14 very highly detailed symbols by Mike Schley let you add grand theatres and arenas to your cityscapes, pleasing the crowds.

September '23
Do you need to breach those impressive city walls that the Isometric Cities style provides. Here are a couple handy siege engines to aid you in that task.

16 new symbols show a catapult and a trebuchet in four different views and two color variations in this latest free set.

October '23
Now you've got those shiny new siege engines, it's time to put them to use and breach some old city walls. With these month's symbols you can show off your aim!

24 new symbols depict breached city walls and gates as well as a broken tower in four views and the usual varicolor version.

November '23
Once those walls are broken, the city has been plundered and the attackers have moved on, what do you get? Ruins of course. Monsters will settle there, amass their own hoards and then adventurers come by to steal that loot.

16 new symbols depict ruined towers that create more variation for the city or castle ruins in the Isometric Cities style.

December '23
Perhaps it's not a siege that is damaging your city, but a disaster like a great fire? And you want to show the conflagration as it is happening? Then these fire and smoke symbols will come in handy!

20 new symbols depict flames and smoke as they rise towards and darken the skies above. Done for the Isometric Cities style, they can just as well be used on an overland map in the Mike Schley style.
The monthly content is always available as a single download file under the Campaign Cartographer 3+ downloads on the registration page. Just log in to your account and download it from there.