Reviews of our Software
Our customers aren't the only ones who love our software - reviewers do too!
Take a look at these reviews, some going back to the first release of CC2. Then remember that since that time we have made more than 100 improvements. The software you buy today is slick, polished and even better than what they say.
Especially if you are looking for a software that allows you to create various kinds of maps with relative ease, you won't find anything better than CC3. (February 2012)
I am enthusiastic about the idea of the Annuals. The monthly issues offer very valuable advice and give a regular motivational boost to go ahead with your own Campaign Cartographer projects. (October 2011)
... for a budding cartographer there is nothing else quite like it out there. Once you have broken into the software, creating a good standard of map becomes not only easy, but a pleasure, as you behold your beautiful creations, which can be made quickly and simply. (Ian Robinson on, September 2010)
... the software can only be recommended for anyone who takes the time to learn it. If you are interested in drawing maps, the results you can achieve in a comparably short time - despite the complexity - are impressive. (Dirk Steiger, April 2009)
Bettina Meister has written a German tutorial for CC3 to accompany the review. It is available from the
Zauberspiegel Online website.

This Windows program has excellent graphics that can be used to easily drop in details for maps of cities, forests, and even boats. It also comes at a very affordable price. (March 2009, Perfect Rating)

With a little practice and a lot of imagination, DD3 allows anyone, regardless of artistic talent, to create detailed maps using a series of beautiful graphics and easy-to-use design tools. (March 2009, Perfect Rating)

This product is a great purchase for any novelist, artist, game designer, or hobbyist who wishes to turn their imaginary landscapes into a visual reality. (February 2009, Perfect Rating)
Overall I find the Cartorgapher's Annual 2008 a very rewarding investment. Everybody who regularly works with Campaign Cartographer or just starts out with it finds lots of helpful tips and additional material that can be used in every genre. (February 2009)
City Designer 3 completes the Campaign Cartographer series, allowing all hobby cartograpgers to craft their own overland, dungeon and city maps. The symbols are well done and beautiful to look at. (December 2008)
For those with the interest and time to put into the program, the flexibility and power of the program enables a map maker to created a very spiffy map with only a moderate investment in time. (November 2007)
Dungeon Designer 3 is a good investment for gamers who enjoy creating their own maps. Even a poor artist can coax impressive maps using the supplied art objects and design tools. (November 2007)
For the RPGer's CC3 is a very inexpensive way to facilitate creation of worlds and/or dungeons with a few mouse clicks. What this lends to the DM's ability to create robust worlds and dungeons can not be measured by a simple price tag. This is A MUST for anyone running their own gaming sessions. (September 2007)
When Profantasy came out with the latest version of their software: Campaign Cartographer 3, I kind of missed the boat. Okay, so I was a touch busy having a son and all that. I finally got around to getting myself a bit more up-to-date. Am I glad I did. I'm floored with the new version. This is hands down a marvelous upgrade, and what's more, it's worth every penny. This really does warrant that full version number upgrade that they used to delineate it. (July 2007)
For everybody who regularly uses CC3 and wants to delve into its utmost functionalities, I can only recommend the purchase [of the Annual]. (June 2007)
For those with the interest and time to put into the program, the flexibility and power of the program enables a map maker to created a very spiffy map with only a moderate investment in time. (May 2007)
There is no reason why someone could not install the package and have a detailed map printed out within an hour with just a little reading and testing. If you need to do any type of mapping for a game, Campaign Cartographer is up to the task and a solid investment. (July 2006)
Overall I'm very happy with CC3 and would recommend it to anyone willing to deal with the learning curve. Once you get past it this program can easily do anything any other mapping program on the market can do and then some. (December 2006)
Campaign Cartographer 3 makes the decisive step to get ahead of the competition again. It now offers the greater part of options in which other applications had recently scored points. Of these the most important one for me is the integration of bitmap textures. (September 2006)
Campaign Cartographer 3 is Campaign Cartrogapher 2 plus everything you ever wanted. The new symbols look awesome, the sheet effects offer great new possibilities, and the user interface integrates all new and old functionality into a much more intuitive and organized whole. (July 2006)
The historical information, images and adventures make the package an excellent value for owners of CC2 Pro. The focus on real-world locations is refreshing and adds value for those that don't just play fantasy. (December 2005)
Does not matter if your an old hand at CC2 like myself or just starting out. The Tome of Ultimate Mapping is a wonderful resource for all your mapping needs. (August 2005)
I have always loved the work put out by the gentlemen at Profantasy, and this is no exception. Perpectives Pro gives a fantastic new, well, perspective on the whole mapmaking thing. Again, it is easy to use, like all the other CC tools. (July 2006)
With the World War II Interactive Atlas ProFantasy once again have shown why they are market leaders in cartography software. Like the older Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas, the World War II Interactive Atlas is detailed, easy and intuitive. (September 2002)
Total Rating 9.36 : Gameplay 10 : Enjoyment 9 : Graphics 9
If you are looking to create simple maps or professional products (such as the world maps for Dark Age of Camelot, which were created using Campaign Cartographer 2), then you cannot go wrong with ProFantasy Software's excellent suite of programs. (February 2002)
Symbol Set 1: A must for CC2 owners that use the product in a fantasy setting! Style:
5 (Excellent!) - Substance: 5 (Excellent!)
(December 2001)
If you want good looking maps for your adventures and campaigns, drop by Profantasy's web site and order a copy of Campaign Cartographer and City Designer. For the price of a Player Guide/Game Master Guide book pair for most games, you can have a top-rate mapping tool that will add color and style to your campaigns.
Style: 5 (Excellent!) Substance: 5 (Excellent!)
(November 1999)
However, even odd heroic fantasies must have maps, so I was about to try Corel again when one of my readers told me about Campaign Cartographer 2 (CC2) from ProFantasy. This is the right program for the job. (July 1999)
The inevitable question I'm going to face is "what does CC2 et al provide that I can't get from (CorelDraw / Paintshop Pro / Visio / whatever)"? The answer is simple: a whole lot. (October 1999)
Campaign Cartographer 2, or CC2 as I will refer to it, is feature rich application that deserves a definite look if you are in the market for a robust RPG mapping application. (January 1998)