Circle: Radius and Center

Right click Circle image\CIRCP.gif to add a Circle, Radius and Center to your drawing.


RADIUS AND CENTER draws a circle using a radius measurement and a center point. Use the auto-repeat feature to draw more circles without using the menu.

  1. The prompt reads "Radius [n]:"

· Right-click or press ENTER to accept the default or prior radius;

· Select a new radius using the mouse to visually pick two points the desired distance apart, or;

· Type a new value for the radius and press ENTER. For example, draw a circle with a radius of 2 units, type "2" and press ENTER.

CC3 displays a circular cursor with the specified radius.

  1. The prompt reads "Center:". Use the cursor and left button, or type numeric coordinates to select the center. Continue drawing circles with the same radius by selecting a series of centers with the left button, or press the right button to end the command.

image\tip.gifCenter and diameter Circle tip
You can use this command to draw lots of circular towers of a fixed diameter with a solid fill style.

Text equivalent: CIRR