Cartographer's Annual 2019

Cartographer's Annual 2019

Send us your thoughts

What was your favourite issue, what would you like to see in future issues? We would like to hear from you!

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Feeback from previous annuals

I'm super excited about the 2016 Annual. I'm especially jazzed about the Empire of the Sun, February 2016 issue! I'd already started collecting a few images in order to try and create my own Chinese/Japanese drawing style just like it! And now, I won't have to! Woo-hoo! A good Far-East drawing style is overdue and it looks like we're getting a great one. So excited.

Dogtag on the community forum

Just wanted to say how pleased I am with this years annual updates. Especially April's by Herwin Wielink. Here's a link to show how I'm using it.

Mark Needham on the April Annual 2012

Wow. Wow again. Absolutely beautiful!

Erik Nolander on the March Annual 2011

So I just purchased and installed the first 2 annuals and subscribed to 2009 and boy do I ever wish I'd done so a loooong time ago. The tools and map templates and and and... They are wonderful!! My hat's off to those who were part of creating this amazing tool/resource.

Dominic Pelletier on the Community Forum

You know, I'm just about to start my new D&D 4th Edition game...and the first villains are going to be....PIRATES. And then I see this. So. AWESOME. Can't wait to get my hands on it, frankly. Each month of the annual has proven more and more valuable. Still remains the best investment I've made for my games outside of the core game books, EVAR.

Dru Albright about the March issue

Thank you for once again delivering a great year with the Annual, 2008 has maintained the excellence that the Annual began in 2007 and indeed in many places in my opinion surpassed it. The continual adding of new styles and idea's brings many new and more interesting ways for us to produce maps, especially when some of us do not have the time to sit down and do it ourselves.

Rob Graham on the Community Forum

I have really appreciated both years of annuals and found that they have helped improve the quality of my map making. I can't thank you folks at Profantasy enough for your help and for the hard creative work you put into the annuals.

Sven on the Community Forum

For me, the annuals have been some of the best return-on-investment of any gaming material I've bought in the last few years. This is just a new layer of rich butter-cream frosting on this year's cake.

Dru Albright

Aw, Ralf! Just when I was congratulating myself on not getting "suckered" into buying the Annual again this year, you've got to go and show me this! Now, I'll be getting it again! Argh!

J. K. Hoffman

GAH! AMAZING!!!! You guys continue to blow my mind.

Steve Townshend

I _LOVE_ new mapping styles. I can't get enough of them. I use Mercator maps and John Speed maps regularly -- far more than the standard styles. The Sarah Wroot maps and the Pete Fenlon maps are also wonderful, as was the black & white style. I'm also in love with the heraldry issue, which completely blew my mind (that "tavern signs" annual sounds neat).

Steve Townshend on the Community Forum

I just wanted to write you and say thank you. I've been using ProFantasy software now for some time, but it wasn't until the Cartographer's Annual came out that I, in my opinion, "got good" at the program. I have always loved maps, but never really had the time and resources to learn the software. The tutorials included in the annual made things so easy and quick to learn, and I've been able to work on my skills. I just have to say thank you to everyone at ProFantasy that has put in such hard work. You guys rock.

Joel Owens

The maps, tools and tutorials have been, without exception, packed full of interest and never fail to inspire me to pen more maps. They are also an excellent resource when looking to make the campaign just that bit different and intriguing for the players.
Hope that you can continue to provide such tremendous maps, the standard that you have set yourself so far this year gives you a lot to live up to!

Bill Howard

I also bought the Annual. And wow, the first two months alone were worth the price, and I haven't even gotten past them yet.

Ed Greaves

"Cartographer's Annual ist eine super Sache. Ich bin von Anfang an mit dabei und kann nur sagen: Hut ab. Tolle Erweiterungen und Ideen für eigene Karten. Einfach Klasse. Ich kann nur jedem CC-Benutzer empfehlen sich dafür anzumelden."
[The Cartographer's Annual is an amazing thing. I've been with it from the beginning and can only say: Well done. Great expansions and ideas for my own maps. Simply great. I can only recommend subscribing to all CC-users.]

Peter Brettschneider

"I like very much what you and your group have done so far with the monthly subscription. Keep up the great work."

Terry Buckingham

"I've said it before, but I'm always impressed by the level of support ProFantasy provides (as well as the excellence of the products)."

Joseph Hoopman

"Thanks for the Sarah Wroot Annual! I checked it out this morning, made this in about an hour or so. Sweet!"

Steve Townshend

"I love the Cartohgrapher's Annual. Looking forward to next month's issue!"

Guy Runkle

"Great first two months for the Annual. [...] The mercator overland and John Speed mapping guides are wonderful. The extra tools in the laboratory are great too."

Ian Kirby

"Freue mich sehr über das Annual - erstklassige Qualität."
[I'm very happy about the Annual - first class quality.]

Grimur Fjeldsted

"I just wanted to say that I have been really impressed with the quality of this product so far. I was particularly impressed with the Mercator maps and am in the process of mapping out a portion of my campaign world in this style."

Chris Seal

"I have been playing with the Feb. Annual and I have to say, "Wow". Unbelievable.
This (and the Mercator set) are the kind of maps I've only ever dreamed of having enough talent to actually create. Now, in just 10 minutes, I've created a simple map that I couldn't have wrapped my mind around without your hard work.
This is the stuff I never thought I could do when I looked at Allyn and Ralf's maps in the Tome (especially the Boston map) that I've always wished I could pull off.
Simply wonderful."

David Neumann