Cubic Curve

Right click Smooth Path image\SPLINE.gif to add a cubic curve to your drawing.


CUBIC SPLINE (smooth path) draws an open smooth curve defined by a series of node points called a frame. The curve touches the first and last points and follows an average path among the other nodes. A spline must have at least 3 nodes.

  1. The prompt reads "1st point:". This is the first point for the spline end. To select, use the crosshairs or type numeric coordinates.

CC3 displays a rubber-band cursor, anchored at the 1st point.

  1. The prompt reads Next point (Press C to make the next point a Corner):". Select the next point for another node or press C and choose a point to form a corner.

  2. CC3 displays a dynamic cursor showing both the curve and the frame.

  3. The prompt reads "Next point:". Continue selecting nodes and corners as needed. Right-click to end node selection.

CC3 draws the spline and terminates the command.

Using frames

After the curve is drawn, CC3 normally hides the frame that you used to define the spline. To force display of frames on or off throughout your drawing, select TOGGLE FRAMES (Tools > Drawing Aids > Toggle Frames), or press CTRL F on the keyboard.

To reshape a cubic curve (move nodes in relation to others):

Use STRETCH (Edit > Resize > Stretch) or DYNAMIC EDIT (image\DYNEDIT.gif).

To insert a gap in an existing curve, creating two separate splines:


To convert a spline to another path-like entity

Text equivalent: SPLINE2