To start creating a character with Character Artist, you need to choose a suitable template, then start a new drawing.
Character Artist’s templates are found in the Templates\CharacterArtist folder of CC3. Some of these are for creating card stand-up figures, others are for counters, and some are for portraits suitable for character sheets. Some of these templates are named with miniature scales. Choose the scale that matches your miniatures. Each template has on-screen buttons for printing the template at the selected scale.
Those templates in the CardFigures folder are for creating card stand-up figures at various miniature scale. The templates in the Counters folders are for creating square counters to print out on card. They are 5’ square. You will need to reduce the symbol scale before inserting body parts onto these counters. Select a symbol, right click and type in the scale factor in the symbols dialog box.
The templates in the Hex folder are for creating hex-based symbols.
The templates in the Portraits folder are for creating single characters for export onto character sheets.
To start a new character portrait:
1. Select File > Template. Select the file Character Plain.fct from the Templates\CharacterArtist\Portrait folder.
2. Select File > New.
You are ready to select body part catalogs and begin creating your figure.