Card figures and counters are usually printed out in batches to save card.
You can create them by
· making them individually using the individual templates;
· adding character portraits you have already designed to the counter or card figure templates;
· straight on to the pre-designed templates;
· or, making them from pre-designed catalogs of characters.
Making Card figures or counters individuallly
1. Select File > Template. Select an Individual template from the Templates\CharacterArtist\CardFigures or Counters folder. Select New.
The template you choose depends on the scale at which you want to print your characters. See miniature scale for more information.
2. Create the character from the body parts catalogs.
Note: The counters are 5’ high. If you are creating a counter, you will need to right-click when you select the first symbol and type 0.6 into the X symbol scale so that the characters fit on the counter. You may find that you wish to increase or decrease the scale afterwards.
Making counters or card figures from an existing character portrait
1. Select File > Open. Open the character portrait from whcih you want to create your counter or figure.
2. Make sure that Options > Preferences > Group Parts on Insertion is not set.
3. Press CTRL-C or select Edit > Clipboard > Copy.
4. Select the character (not the frame), Do it.
5 Select File > Template. Select an Individual template from the Templates\CharacterArtist\CardFigures or Counters folder. Select New.
The template you choose depends on the scale at which you want to print your characters. See miniature scale for more information.
6 Select Edit > Paste. Use a scale of 1 for card figures, 0.6 for counters. Select an insertion point in the middle of a counter or card figure.
Creating counters or card figures straight onto a template
1 Select File > Template. Select a template from the Templates\CharacterArtist\CardFigures or Counters folder. Select New.
The template you choose will be determined by the scale at which you wish to print out your figures.
2. For card figures, just zoom in on an empty figure and start placing body parts, just as you would when designing an individual figure. For counters, do the same, but when you first insert a body part, right click and choose a symbol scale of 0.6 or so to ensure that your character fits on the counter.
If you want more precision with counters, use the following scale to ensure that every combination of body parts will fit on the counter:
Human female - 55%
Half Orc female - 55%
Half Elf female - 60%
Elf female - 60%
Dwarf female - 75%
Halfling female - 85%
Gnome female - 85%
Human male - 50%
Half Orc male - 50%
Half Elf male - 55%
Elf male - 55%
Dwarf male - 70%
Halfling male - 80%
Gnome female - 80%