
Grid and Snap overview


When snap locking is turned on, CC3 rounds points that you select visually (with the cursor and left button) to the nearest snap point. This powerful tool lets you make precision drawings with entities mathematically aligned, no matter how closely you zoom in on them. Snap divisions are related to grid dot spacing in that you can snap to every grid dot, to points on and halfway between grid dots, and so on.

This is especially useful for designing sentient-made structures such as dungeons and houses. CC3’s templates have a selection of grids appropriate for the maps you will be drawing.

You can turn grid or snap off, or swap between grids in mid-command. This would be useful if you were drawing a straight corridor which attaches to a cave. CC3 ignores snap locking when selecting entities for editing, and when specifying points with numeric coordinates or modifiers. If ORTHO lock is on, points you select line up vertically or horizontally with the nearest snap points.

If you zoom to a window so far out that there are more snap points than pixels, you won't get the precision you expect. If you zoom in far enough that all snap points are outside the window, you won't be able to select points with the cursor. Snap can be changed as you zoom in and out.

To change the grid spacing value

·   Right click on the Grid, Snap or Ortho button and choose a suitable grid. If there isn’t one;

·   Right click on the Grid, Snap or Ortho button, select EDIT then type a new value in the Spacing edit box.

To change the snap division value

·   Right click on the Grid, Snap or Ortho button and choose a suitable grid. If there isn’t one;

·   Choose SELECT GRID (Options menu), click the EDIT button, then type a new number in the Snap divisions edit box.

To align the grid

·   On the Tools menu, click Snaps then Align Grid. Click a point to which to align the grid.