
Click Endpoint image\MODEPT.gif when the command prompt requests a point to use this modifier.

ENDPOINT locks to the endpoint of certain entities. As with all modifiers, you must first select a drawing or editing command. The prompt reads "Select reference entity:". Select a point on the entity you want the endpoint of. Please refer to the chart below for the effect of ENDPOINT on various types of entities.



Endpoint locks on to


Nearest end of arc

Arrow, Line, Path, Network or Polygon

Nearest end of segment


Nearest quarter-circle (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°).


Nearest end of either axis


On the point

Smooth Polygon or Spline

Nearest frame node


Nearest end of text, along baseline

image\tip.gifEndpoint tips
Endpoint can be used to join up gaps in shapes that you wish to make into a MultiPoly . Draw a line from the Endpoint of one entity to the other endpoint, then use multipoly on the whole.

To lock to a series of endpoints, use Attach instead.

Text equivalent: EPT (or press function key F5)